This may be public knowledge, but I just discovered this today.

I get tons of e-mail and spend time going back through my Inbox filing
and deleting when I can.  I use the Ctrl + V shortcut a lot, which
brings up the "move message(s) to..." dialog window.

For a long time, I used either the scroll bar or arrow keys to get to
the folder I needed to file the message.  Sometimes, I would enter the
first letter of the folder I needed, and this speeded things up a bit.

But I have a lot of folders, and many start with the same letter, so
this wasn't always the best method.  But today, on a whim, I typed more
than one letter - just started typing the folder name - and BAM! there's
the folder I want.  Not sure why I was convinced I could only type one
letter.  This searching method (similar to Quick Search) works for
browsing the folder list as well.

Maybe I'm the last one here to figure it out, but I sure was happy today
to discover this "new" feature.  TB continues to make my life easier.
Now, if only I'd quit making it harder...

 Ken Green
 Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.00.6 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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