> How do you do a restart if TB! hangs? Also my win2K system requires a
> PW or when no pw is needed a press of the enter key.

  Well, I am fortunated enough to have people around that can turn the PC
  off and on - and when that has been done my PC logs in with the correct
  user. It hasn't happend that TB has hanged on me.

> How do these little menu's work, is this a separate program?

  The menues you saw were weblinks that links to webforms - there is an
  example of one such form here: http://www.musaic.net/tb

  After filling out the form and clicking Submit, the form result is then
  sent to the respective administrative address. TB downloads mail for
  this address and provided the secret code and receipient etc. complies
  with the Office Rules I have set up ;) TB will store the form result as
  a text file. Finally, TB executes the program I have made to handle the
  request. This program administrate the mailinglists, it creates the
  munged email (the mail I can send from anywhere / from any network yet
  it seem to come from my PC at home ;) and the program also reboot the
  PC, and updates Norton Antivirus etc.

> Can you send so files for me to modify privately?

  Both the Office Rules and especially the program are very proprietary.
  Unless I go in and tweak the programcode extensively I don't think the
  system would work on any other PC than mine, I'm afraid...

  It is possible I can make a lite version that should work properly
  with any Windows system - what is it that you want it to do?


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