ON Tuesday, October 21, 2003, 9:38:11 PM, you wrote:
PM> I'm not sure about the char set - maybe. What I observed is that the Ž
PM> char appears here when people use the accent aigu char (´) instead of
PM> the apostrophe ('). They look similar but behave differently.

Hi Peter,

I will keep that in mind, although the spellchecker most of the times
will correct me if I use the wrong one and I still get this starnge
char. returned.

Best regards,
A golfer needs a wife, true. It is essential that he has a sympathetic
listener always handy, to whom he can relate the details of the day?s
play. But what sort of a life companion would a tennis player be? ==P.G
Wodehouse - UP FROM THE DEPTHS ==

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