Hello Melissa & other TB! list members following this thread,

On Friday, October 31, 2003, you replied to my claim that:

>> Upgrades rarely cost the same as an original purchase.

IBM's Speech Recognition software is another opprobrious exception,
and they won't even provide a discount when purchasing the same
version in 2 different languages.

If you know of any good freeware or shareware Speech Recognition
applications please do give a holler.

MR> Which can be a good thing. Unfortunately, in the case of my favorite
MR> Office software (StarOffice), the "upgrade" from v6 to v7 is basically
MR> a "full price bug fix"!  :-(

Have your tried OpenOffice? The new and upgrade price are both $0.00

Isn't it basically the same as StarOffice?

In my case, I started out with an all IBM computer, OS and Office
Suite, which was Smart, although that was before IBM bought Lotus.
And I still use Smartsuite more than I do Word or OpenOffice. OTOH,
Borland's apps (later Novell's, then Corel's) never ran well on

Lotus's WordPro can open Word docs and save to Word, which is what I do when
I finish something I need to send to someone else. I check it in
Word first though, and often have to add graphics manually or make a
few minor automatic formatting adjustments.

I see you're using La Chauve-Souris! (v2.01.3) as your mailer. Does
that mean you're using Linux?


Keep on Kayaking,


Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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