Hello Stuart Cuddy,

on Tue, 18 Nov 2003 08:10:24 -0600 (2003-11-18 15:10:24 in .nl) in the
message with reference <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you
wrote (at least in part):

SC> Hello TBUDL,

SC>   I have been using the command View, Display, Only Unread Messages to
SC>   read my messages from this mailing list. The problem I have is when
SC>   The Bat! goes to check mail, sometimes, it will refresh the list of
SC>   unread messages and the message I was reading disappears. Is there
SC>   any way to stop this short of disabling the check mail every minute
SC>   feature.

Probably you'll have to play around with 'Mark message as read ...'
settings in Account | Properties | Options.

Kind regards,
Peter Ouwehand
- - -
Created the above using
A program which insists to be : The Bat! V2.01.26
An OS which insists to be     : Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.01.3 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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