Hello Joseph,

On Thu, 11 Dec 2003 23:01:40 -0600 GMT (12/12/2003, 12:01 +0700 GMT),
Joseph N. wrote:

> I just deleted two large attachments from a message in a particular
> folder.  My attachments are set to be kept in the envelope, not in a
> separate folder.  I clicked Folder/Compress after deleting the
> attachments, but received a pop-up window informing me that there was
> nothing to compress because there were no deleted messages in the
> folder.

That is correct, because TB will look for deleted messages and then
compress, i.e. zap (not zip) them from the database. If the message
itself is not marked as deleted, nothing gets zapped.

> As a workaround, I moved the message (without the deleted attachments)
> to another folder, compressed the original folder, moved the message
> back, and then compressed the intermediary folder.  To my surprise,
> however, the two folders showed an amount of compression that was
> substantially less than the size of the deleted attachments.

> Why?

I don't know the format in which TB stores the attachments. Maybe some
kind of compressed form?



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