AJ> Some topics do not appear to be covered at all - at least not where I
AJ> expect to see it. Some of the text is excellent and with superb detail,
AJ> and some is actually embarassing in its inability to convey the meaning.

AJ> I have learnt MS Office and many other software packages without any kind
AJ> of formal training and mostly by RTFM. I don't believe I would be able to
AJ> make use of TB! as much as I do without this list and I really hardly
AJ> even scrape the surface. It's a powerful piece of software, but that
AJ> power is buried.

AJ> How many out there would be prepared to may more for the next version of
AJ> TB! if a comprehensive, structured help system were provided?

For me I have been trained to not even try the help screens after so many
years of exceedingly bad documentation from so many products. I see TB! has
(agreeing with the above) in some cases some very useful documentation and am
now trying to unlearn my avoidance of the help system. Not easy. Thank god
for this list!

Would I pay more for better help files? I do not know. I know I would be
happier with any product I spent my hard earned money on if it has better
this or that than I'd expected, help files included.

I would *certainly* have a *much* easier time recommending such a product, so
though I may not personally spend more for improved help I would expect
greater profits for the vendor based on higher sales volume.


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