I recently upgraded to 2.02.3 CE and have observed an odd new
"feature". Whenever I start TB, it attempts to add an entry to the
Registry (run once).

I'm using StartUp Cop Pro from PC Magazine to monitor changes to the
Registry's start-up keys and to the StartUp folder. When TB attempts
to do this, StartUp Cop steps in to ask what I'd like to do. I've
tried allowing it, disallowing it, enabling it, disabling it, and
ignoring it. The results are always the same. I've not encountered
this problem with any of the other 40 or so applications StartUp Cop
is tracking.

POSSIBLE solution: I disabled StartUp Cop and let TB start. Then I
closed TB, started StartUp Cop again, and ran TB. This time it didn't
trigger a warning from  StartUp Cop.

Anybody else using this little PC Mag utility? If so, have you seen
problems with TB?

Bill Blinn Technology Editor ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - 1/7/2004 at 10:02 PM
Technology Editor, Newsradio 610 WTVN, Columbus, Ohio
Using The Bat! v2.02.3 CE on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1
Random thought: A cynic searchers for an honest man using a stolen lantern.
Current motto: It works better if you plug it in -- unless it's the cat.

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | "Using TBUDL" information:

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