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Wednesday, January 07, 2004
8:59:11 PM

I was sitting down reading my latest CPU magazine and they had a
software review article on TB!. Heres the article:

"Just because Microsoft, Eudora, and Netscape/Mozilla account for roughly 90% of the 
email programs most Windows users use doesn’t mean that what remains isn’t worth 
checking out.
PocoMail, Pegasus Mail, and The Bat! each has its own following and advantages over 
the mainstream mailers.
The latest beta from The Bat! has me thinking that it’s starting to pull away from its 
immediate competitors.
The Bat! has been around for years and was considered the power emailer’s client 
choice because it was fast, had a great template set, a powerful (if underutilized 
plug-in set), and eschewed HTML mail.
Version 2 added some support for HTML mail, a much more powerful LDAP-compatible 
address book, and for some users, a whole host of bugs.
Recent betas have been chasing these bugs away, and as a longtime user, I can say 
2.01.50 seems ready for primetime.
Unchanged is TB’s speed, which is awesome. Even on a notebook, TB flies through 
downloads, uploads, and message rendering.
Unlike other programs that should know better, you don’t need the mouse to blast 
through message lists.
This is partially due to TB not displaying and downloading embedded or linked graphics 
in HTML mail and partially because the HTML rendering is just the basics, but this 
offers a level of viral protection simply not available with anything from Microsoft.
(Clicking a button displays HTML mail in an Internet Explorer window for those times 
you must see an entire graphical message.)
TB’s plug-ins now finally have a real use outside of antivirus: antispam. There are a 
few third-party antispam modules (most Bayesian) available, along with downloadable 
mailboxes filled with thousands of junk-mail messages to quickly train them.
I found these as good as Apple’s junk mail filters—high praise, indeed.
TB is a little expensive ($35) in the face of free email programs, but
if you live and die by email, you’ll find it a bargain."

- --
The Bat 2.02.3 CE
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