This problem of not being able to view/access attachments via The Bat
continues to baffle me.  I don't know how many others are having/have
experienced similar problems, but this is growing beyond a minor
annoyance to completely frustrating and slowing my productivity.

I've heard a few suggestions for "fixing" this problem, but they are
usually not related to The Bat.  I would accept that I have corrupted
something on my machine, or that I installed some program that created a
conflict if it weren't ONLY THE BAT HAVING THIS PROBLEM.

To me, even if I *did* cause the problem to start happening, the fact
that it is not repeatable with any other mail client certainly doesn't
make TB look too good.  What is different about TB and the way it
handles attachments that it would be the only mail client having issues
with different attachment types (so far: Word doc, PDF and JPEG).

Is this bizarre attachment problem being looked into?

 Ken Green
 Using The Bat! v1.62r on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | "Using TBUDL" information:

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