Hi Henk,

on Sun, 25 Jan 2004 20:05:21 +0100GMT (25.01.04, 20:05 +0100GMT here),
you wrote in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] :

>>>> But it would be much nicer to be able to store the decrypted message
>>>> in the message base.

TF>>> This used to be the default, and it was criticised. Maybe you want to
TF>>> put in a wishlist item to make it optional?

>> I did quite some time ago, but no one supported it yet...
>> https://www.ritlabs.com/bt/bug_view_advanced_page.php?bug_id=0002168

HdB> How can I help?

Go to the above link and tell them you'd want that too.

Btw, my apologies to Thomas4000 who already gave a supporting vote, so
it's not no one supported it but one did. But this may not be
enough... *S*


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It prevents moderation from acquiring the deadening
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W. Somerset Maugham

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