On Sunday, January 25, 2004 at 10:19:06 PM, ken green wrote in the
message "Delete not happening..."

> IMAP account >> Account Properties > Deletion > Normal Deletion:
> "Move messages to the Trash folder"

> Trying to delete three messages.  Delete key does not work.  Selecting
> all three, right-click, Delete not working.

> Synchronize all folders doesn't help.  Shut down TB, restart, connect to
> IMAP server, try again.

> *TWO* of the messages will delete, but not a third one.

> There are all three test messages (testing Read filters) in plain text
> with no attachments.

> What is going on??!?
I just tried this. I got it to work. However, I have, in the account
preferences, mapped the Trash folder to an IMAP folder. Also, I have
no filters.

> --
>  Ken Green
Your cut mark is broken.

Quoting when replying to this message is good for your karma.

I just found the last bug.

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