Hello bats,

before doing a feature wish on the bugtracker, I'd like to hear some
opinions on this:

What about a toolbar on the message list window, that gives the
ability to apply a Display mode (View/Display) and filter (RegExp)
Also the general toolbar that exists ATM should be configurable - I
couldn't find anything to customize it..

I used 40tude Dialog a while ago for newsgroups and it has a great
toolbar interface, where you can apply different filters and view
modes. Though I don't remember exactly, I know that this was very
useful (it's a great program).

http://www.thequod.de ICQ#152282665
GnuPG/PGP key: http://thequod.de/danielhahler.asc

Current version is 2.02.3 CE | "Using TBUDL" information:

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