On Monday, February 16, 2004, 11:08:27 AM, Terry wrote in message:
T> I have run TB! under Fedora Core 1 using Crossover Office. I've seen
T> it mentioned that TB! has run under WINE as well.

It certainly runs under Win4Lin as my other half tried that with
Xandros before he installed CrossOver Office.

T> I was able to operate TB! with only minor annoyances -
T> connection center displays a blank screen, but it works and I
T> cannot minimize TB! to the tray. If I do, it "goes away" and I
T> can't retrieve it.

Connection Centre under this version ( v2.04 RC/3 ) will not
always hide itself, then after using the program for a while it
works normally - go figure! ;-)

Under Xandros it minimizes fine to taskbar and shows in systray -
despite the option to not show on taskbar and only in systray
being ticked!

T> If I remember correctly, certain functions such as SmartBat
T> didn't work as well.

Seems to work OK under Xandros - though I admit to not using this
very much anyhow.

T> My goal is to get a working copy of TB! with a shared e-mail
T> directory on all three systems (triple boot - W2k, WinXP and
T> FC1).

This should work well if the mail directory is held on one
of the Windows partitions but I don't know if it will under
Fedora on a Linux partition - does Fedora have the option to let
Windows see shares like Xandros does?

T> I've already accomplished that with Thunderbird. But
T> Thunderbird isn't TB!

Ahhhh so where did you put the mail directory...?

Thunderbird isn't bad per se - it's a good replacement for those
who are used to OE and want something simple. It lacks a
Dispatcher - which I did suggest a year ago, and the suggestion
was poo-pooed by the Thunderbird forum - they really couldn't see
the need/use for one! <sigh>

T> It's a shame that it doesn't seem like there's any interest at Ritlabs
T> to develop a Linux version. I've used all the MUAs I could find on
T> Linux and none comes close to TB!.

Hear! Hear! Although Sylpheed Claws would be my choice if I had
to use a mailer other than TB! under Linux.

I suspect if further discussion is wanted on this it'd better go
to TBOT - where there's been some interesting discussions about
running TB! under Linux of late.

I think I've set the follow up to this to TBOT - if I've mushed
it, sorry mods! ;-)

 Anne   Registered Linux user #345132                     

 Flying high with The Bat! v2.04 RC/3 on Xandros 2.0
 Visit The Bat! Users' Unofficial Help Forum http://the-bat-forums.donzeigler.com

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