--> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I wonder if TB can ever cause (or be related
> to some other software that causes) recurrent BSODs
> (Blue Screen of Deaths).  It seems to cause BSODs here.

> They happen, if I'm trying to work, every 2-5 minutes.
> Previously I had a very stable SuperMicro Dual CPU W2K system. 
> I'm going to have to re-install or go back to a previous
> registry state, I guess.  Meanwhile I boot to
> Linux, where's there's no TB.

> However - the BSODs do NOT happen, if I DON't use The Bat!!!

The point of this message is... I don't think it's The Bat.

I use my machine 12-16 hours a day, and run TB constantly, along with
a ton of other software. I've even managed to continue writing code
for the past month without having to reboot or even restart explorer.

\\IO has been up for: 31 day(s), 20 hour(s), 59 minute(s), 22 second(s)

I use TB 2.01.26 with 122,886 messages in 6 accounts currently.

This machine is a carefully constructed development machine with parts
a gamer type would call me an idiot for buying, such as ECC memory.

It's been up since I bought it and got past the initial setup processes.

My previous machine, with the same software was not this stable, and
never was in the 4 years using it. I could never find a definitive
source of the warts, but made some guesses and addressed those possible
areas of concern with my next machine purchase.

Of course, no one could quantify the problem but me. The user of the machine
is much more qualified to know what is going on. It's like your body, doctors
really don't know as much as an intelligent person about their own body. :p

I can tell you what I know of my previous machines, but you probably do not
have the same hardware. My old system was AMD/VIA K7V with Mushkin, non-ECC
memory, Creative SB Live platinum, GeForce 2 MX. Once I fixed the Creative's
major problems by finally finding the kx-project drivers, I suspected the
problems I was still seeing were due to AMD/VIA or Mushkin memory problems.

Of course, many may see AMD/VIA and instantly tell me all this stuff I need
to do, but that is very old news to me, implemented and greatly improving
things,... years ago. Last year my old machine was what most would consider
acceptable. In fact, they might be angry I would find problems with it.

Regardless, I made my next machine a 6 layer PCB on an Intel 875PBZ
board, stopped using Creative forever and got an M-Audio revolution.
Got Intel approved, CMTL passed and certified ECC memory, with Samsung
chips, double sided DDR, 512x4.

The result is a machine that runs everything my old machine did with
more stability and less worry. I leave 20 applications open all the
time, I doubled my task bar size, and have finally found something I
have been seeking for many years.

\\IO has been up for: 31 day(s), 21 hour(s), 21 minute(s), 2 second(s)

P.S. My old machine runs Debian now. I first used Windows in 1999.


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