Hello Maurice,

On Wed, 18 Feb 2004, at 02:34:05 [GMT +0100] (which was 01:34 in my
TimeZone) you wrote:

MS> On Wednesday, February 18, 2004 at 01:07 (which was Wednesday,
MS> February 18, 2004 at 2:07 where I am) Tb [T] wrote:

T>> And where would I set these options? I have looked in Transport,
T>> Authentication, but all I can see is a fe MD5 options, no StartTTLS

MS> In this dialog, both 'Send' and 'Receive' have an option 'Connection'
MS> which has a selection list after it. By default it says 'Regular'
MS> there, but they can also be set to 'Secure to regular port (STARTTLS)'
MS> or 'Secure to specific port (TLS)'.

I dont appear to have those options???

I have in the Authentication for POP3 the following options

Regular, MSN, MD5 APOP Challenge Response
MD5 CRAM-HMAC Challenge Response

Best regards,

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