Hallo tb,

On Fri, 20 Feb 2004 08:56:16 -0600GMT (20-2-04, 15:56 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

tko> Since there is so little programmatic possibility regarding data stored
tko> in TB messages, I think it should be possible to make a selection of
tko> messages in the message listview and to "copy" the row/column values to
tko> the clipboard in some text format, possibly just simple CSV.

It's rather easy in a filter, not to the clipboard, but to a text
Create a filter, set your condition, on the actions tab select 'export
meesage to file', append to existing file and create a template like:
%FromName, %ToName, %MsgID

Each message should give you a separate line with the needed data.
Looks like a CSV to me.

Groetjes, Roelof

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