
* Marck D Pearlstone, Monday, March 1, 2004, 8:16:01 PM:

> Even if you barely have a signature to speak of, that doesn't make
> any difference to whether or not you need a cut mark. You are being
> courteous to other readers since at least three lines of text is
> added to your signature by the list server.

IMO, a simple name is different from a signature, meaning, the OP
didn't have a signature. The only signature in that post was added by
the listserv, and therefore should have the (additional)
<dash><dash><space><return> sequence. Or would it hurt if more than
one sig had that sequence? BTW, you TBUDL-Mission statement had three
listserv-signatures without a sig-delimiter before them.
Sorry if that has been already discussed, I haven't found anything in
the archives.


Here could be my signature

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