Dear Daniel,

@5-Mar-2004, 22:07 +0100 (05-Mar 21:07 UK time) dAniel hAhler [DH]
in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said to David:

DH> I'll give you a subject cleaner for now:

... and I had to tweak it:

DH> %_______%REM="clean subject - by daniel hahler"%________%-
DH> %_oldSubj=%OSubj%-
DH> %Subject="%-
DH> %SetPattRegExp='(?ix)\A:?
DH> ( [([]+ .*? [)\]]+ \s*)* # save topic/listname
... <snip>

This gave a double space in the subject when there was a group name.
A simple change of the line from this:

( [([]+ .*? [)\]]+ \s*)* # save topic/listname

to this:

( [([]+ .*? [)\]]+ )*\s* # save topic/listname

fixed it.

I may replace the one in the Library with this.

Cheers -- .\\arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator
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