Wednesday, April 7, 2004, 10:44:29 AM, dAniel wrote:

dh> I for myself use POPFile, which uses the same approach (Bayesian), but
dh> is a lot more useful, as it can have as many "buckets" as you want. Eg,
dh> I have "spam", "english", "german", "admin" and "PGP".
dh> Accuracy is 99.62% for 28293 mails - which is awesome.

I also used POPFile for quite a while, and I was very impressed with its
performance.  What stopped me using it was the proliferation of
virus-laden emails around September last year.

I was running AVG with th TB! plugin and that was popping up a message
for each nasty email, but also POPFile was storing the messages in its
own database and AVG was constantly finding them in there and alerting
me - both when it originally arrived and sometimes later also.

I get the feeling I missed something in a configuration somewhere, but I
was living away from home at the time and when I got the chance, I took
POPFile out so my wife wasn't forced to click endlessly whenever I asked
her to download my emails (after I checked them on the web).  I got 600
over 3 days at one point!

Can you suggest how to solve this?


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