Hi Marck,

On Saturday, May 08, 2004, at 7:20:15 AM PST, you wrote:

> We have just been made aware of a service called "RiskFreeMail". One
> of our users is using them to filter mail. We don't know who and
> can't throw them off the list.

I've recently (more so now than before) been receiving these notices
from a few "RiskFreeMail" users (or, perhaps more accurately, from
"RiskFreeMail" on their behalf).

There is a "sender" address with [EMAIL PROTECTED] domain, and it
doesn't *seem* to have any personally identifying information in it,
but this is also in the Kluges of all these these notices:

Return-Path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This should be easy enough to filter on.

However, each of the notices I receive do also tell me who the
"interested party" is. They look like this:

You recently sent a message to [user's name snipped]
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" with a subject "[message subject
snipped]". To help cope with the ever increasing volume of junk
e-mails, I am using RiskFreeMail which has placed your message on

[the rest snipped]

So...at least in the notices I've been sent from this "service", the
person using the service is identified (by name, but not by email

I really don't like this sort of third party intervention that wants
me to jump through such silly hoops just to get a message through to
someone, or to some mail list especially. This sort of thing seems
especially useless if someone is already using an email client like
TB!, where there are plenty of ways to filter out unwanted email
without having to make others visit web sites to enter codes and such.

And who knows?...perhaps a "service" like "RiskFreeMail" could have
its own sinister ulterior motives; collecting email addresses of those
who "click here" to visit the site and enter the "code"?  They may
indeed help *their users* in some way, but how do I know that my email
address isn't being sold to someone else?


PGP public keys:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&Body=Please%20send%20keys

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