Hello Greg,

Sunday, May 16, 2004, 10:00:15 PM, you wrote:

GS> I am not running notepad. I'm running 7-Zip command line interface.

Just simplifying example to a bare minimum.

A>> And running it at the command line, should leave The Bat! application
A>> running, the Command Prompt window still running, and it will await
A>> you until The Bat! closes.

GS> My tests were in sharp contrast to this last statement. 7-Zip continued
GS> to run the backup from the command line WHILE TB was open, and did NOT
GS> wait until TB closed.

Sorry then. I can't duplicate that effect on any OS I tried.

Unless you mean that you started TB yourself. And then ran the exact backup
file you posted. In which case, the presumed question I am guessing may
be, how to tell if TB was running, and quit it. Which is not the same question
as I followed from this thread.

Best regards,

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