Mica Mijatovic wrote:

MM> I still do not understand why one uses such a programs when there
MM> are excellent free command line archivers one can do anything with
MM> by batch files. Even better and might be even faster.

TB! isn't the only thing I backup. It's certainly faster for me to
point and click into effect, some of the backups that I do. I really
can't be bothered with tweaking and testing batch scripts. :) I don't
mind buying and using Second Copy to make it easier for me. Time isn't
an issue since my backups are done automatically and while I'm asleep.
I know that one can do it other ways and with tools already in their
possession. It's up to you really, and I don't see the point of making
an issue out of how one chooses to do it. <shrug> The good thing is
that we *do it*, i.e., backup and that if we can't afford or wish to
buy a tool for backups, then it's possible to do backups through batch
scripts akin to the ones circulating on these lists.

  -=allie_M=- | List Moderator
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