Hello Thomas,

Saturday, June 5, 2004, 5:05:03 AM, you wrote:

T> Can you teach me how to create all these in TB? I can sometimes need
T> it in the office, because tables created in my fixed-width viewer
T> don't display fine when the recipient uses a viewer with proportional
T> fonts. I now sometimes attach an Excel file, but that is usually a
T> complete overkill.

It's just what I saw in the nav bar in the Edit Mail Message pane, so I'm still 
learning, too. Now that I've gotten my overdue paper in (and, Thomas, I swiped the 
Churchill quote from your sigline for it) I will put more attention to the 2.11.02. 

T> Who is Atlantis? (Apart from the kingdom at the bottom of the ocean.)

Atlantis Ocean Mind - it's a wonderfully lean and very quick wordprocessor written by 
some equally wonderful Europeans at http://www.rssol.com/  (I hope this link comes 
through as clickable for you as it does not show highlighted in my html/plaintext 
view. Maybe I need to check the prefs...) I'm waiting rather patiently for Tables and 
Footnotes from them, but otherwise it runs rings around the bloatware wordprocessors 
out there. 

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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