Dear Nednieuws,

@11-Jun-2004, 15:11 +0200 (11-Jun 14:11 UK time) Charles M. Gerungan
[NC] in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

NC> I'd like to see /italic/, *bold* and _underlined_ text converted
NC> to its, erm, typographical equivalent. Don't know how to say it
NC> but you probably understand what I'm saying.

A good suggestion and I have a feeling something may already be on
the wishlist for it. You can join the BT (BugTraq) - you'll find
details on the list info page (see the link at the bottom of each
message or attached in PART.TXT for the address). The BT hosts the
wishlist. This is used to seed ongoing development.

Cheers -- //.arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator and fellow end user
TB! v2.11.03 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1

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