Hello Peter,

On Sun, 13 Jun 2004 19:00:40 +0200 GMT (14/06/2004, 00:00 +0700 GMT),
Peter Meyns wrote:

PM>>> This reply was created as it is with <alt>+<F4>. Maybe this is due to
PM>>> my own templates, I'm not sure... <shrug>

TF>> If you were trying to make fun of me, you have succeeded.

PM> Oh, very sorry, my bad! Of course I /meant/ <ctrl>+<F4>. As I used for
PM> this message...

I thought you said it didn't work for you?

TF>> ... except that expectations were switched off after that beer
TF>> after dinner. <g>

PM> Have one one me. :-)

Here's to you! <hicks>



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