Hallo Charles,

On Sun, 13 Jun 2004 22:32:19 +0200GMT (13-6-2004, 22:32 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

CMG> I like the other person's suggestion more: Bottom of the screen, and it
CMG> can be right clicked to switch accounts just like Apple Mail.

That won't help you when you've got 30 or 40 addresses all handled by
the same account.
I used to work with two accounts, both with the same account address,
but with one account strictly for archiving purposes. My main account
had about 30 or 40 addresses that it handled.
Two weeks ago I got myself a new pc and only my main account got
copied to this system. I'm not sure how to handle my archiving now.
(I'm still archiving stuff at my server, though.)

Groetjes, Roelof

Disclaimer: Any opinion stated in this message is not necessarily shared by my budgies 
or rabbits.

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