Martin Webster wrote:
> My forward template works correctly and is essentially the same as
> yours. The only difference is you use a quick template for you
> signature. What happens if you remove '%QINCLUDE="kmgsig"'?

I.... am.... such... a.... moron.....

Guess what's at the bottom of that sig file?:

"> -----Original Message-----
> Subject: %OSUBJ


I put that there a long time ago because I was having problems with
reply text disappearing when in the editor.  When I replied to a
message and started typing, then invoked kmgsig, the quoted text
disappeared.  So I added that if clause to my sig file.


Anyone know how to avoid BOTH problems? I can "fix" my sig file so
that forwards won't have the duplicated text, but I will still have
the quoted text in Replies disappear when switching signatures via QT.

Unfortunately, the disappearing problem also happens when switching
accounts because that signature is associated with an account.

Am I doing something wrong?  It seem like the %ISSIGNATURE is almost
useless if limited by what I'm describing.

My signatures aren't very complicated.  I just prefer to make things
as atomic as I can, and having a sig in one place is the best way to
go, IMO.

Thanks for the quick replies.

 Ken Green
 Using The Bat! v2.10.03 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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