Hello Armin,

Thursday, June 17, 2004, 1:08:39 PM, you wrote:

AM> Hi, 

AM> I'm evaluating TB and would LOVE to use it as an alternative to Outlook,
AM> but for some reason I'm unable to import existing Outlook folders and
AM> messages. When I select an Outlook folder for import, TB starts working
AM> really hard and displays a progress bar. It also creates the respective
AM> folder structure in the file system, as well as in the Account pane, but
AM> when the import is complete all of these folders remain empty. The
AM> number of messages to import makes no difference. Apparently this
AM> behaviour occurs only when an MS Exchange server is present. On another
AM> system, with Outlook running as a stand-alone application, all Outlook
AM> folders are imported properly. 

AM> Does anybody know what I can do about this? (Other than exporting 2 GB
AM> of messages into a PST file)

AM> Regards,
AM> Armin 

I had the same problem, the only way is to first export from Outlook into
Outlook Express, then from Express into TB - this works :-)

You should have no problem importing the address book direct from Outlook

Best regards,
 Graham                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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