On Monday, June 21, 2004, John Phillips wrote...

>> This is probably off topic and the moderators will kill me, but
>> here we go :)

>> Here in Sweden our ISPs are trying to stop SPAM and Viruses by not
>> allowing connections to other SMTP servers than the one in the ISPs
>> network. This means that on my notebook I need to use one SMTP
>> server when I'm at home and one when I'm at work.

> Easy solution, get your own SMTP server which I fail to see how your
> isp can stop you using.

Quite easily... at the router level block port 25 connections to
anything but their SMTP servers. Running your own mail server then is
pointless. Also some ISPs don't allow you to run services, and doing
so introduces a breach of contract.

Jonathan Angliss
Using The Bat! v2.12 Beta/1 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

A preposition is what you don't end a sentence with. Um.

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