I had a situation where The Bat! v2.0 (running on Win2K SP4) was using 100% of my CPU and taking forever to check mail and start up. So I got a little experimental, and I started perusing the various paths that The Bat! uses and found that my ACCOUNT.CFG file was 47MB. That seemed a tad bit odd to me. So I closed The Bat!, renamed ACCOUNT.CFG to ACCOUNT_BAK.CFG, started The Bat! up again, and have not had any problems since. The CPU issue and the slowness issue have disappeared. There were also no ill side effect as far as I can tell. I performed this experiment a couple of months ago when v2.0 first came out and everything has been fine since.

I asked the list what exactly ACCOUNT.CFG did, and specifically, what would happen if it was absent. I didn't really get any replies so I'm not sure if it hurts to not have it. All that I can say is give this a try and keep your old file handy just in case. I would also highly recommend performing a backup in case you experience ill side effects.

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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