Hello Leif,

On 29 June 2004, 17:00 -0600 (29/06/200400:00 local time) Leif Gregory
[LG] in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

LG> Well, I searched high and low and just couldn't find a trout worthy
LG> of the moderators, so I decided to make one myself.

You went the extra mile for me? That shows dedication... :-D

LG> I promised Martin the first Moderator Trout Smiley whether he deserved
LG> it or not, although I'm sure he's done something bad recently so it's
LG> probably all good.

...okay, I'm ready... B-)

LG> So here you go Martin.... You are the first to be trouted with the
LG> Moderator Trout. Smell the love! <grin>

omg ...

LG> <moderator>

LG> :trout:

Whack! :'(



LG> Note: This moderator's interjection is a note to all readers and not
LG> just to the person being replied to, even if their post may have
LG> instigated this reply. You *should* definitely feel singled out
LG> Martin.

Thank you... I feel better now! ,:-)

LG> This thread is moving into the Off-Topic realm. Please continue this
LG> on TBOT (this message has been CC'd to the TBOT list to maintain
LG> threading.)

I couldn't let TBUDL and TBBETA miss out could I? :-)

Best regards,

Jabber mjw | ICQ 15893823 | PGP Key ID 0xD644460D

Quote of the day:
"We don't see things as the are but rather as we are." ANAÏS NIN

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