Howdy tbud'ers,

Please forgive me if I'm a wee bit unclear as I'm never 100% sure of the correct 
terminology that applies to The Bat! 

I "lost" an email folder (that had a number of sub-folders containing email messages). 
 I noticed it the other day that I somehow, through my magic keystrokes of 
Shift-Ctrl-Left arrow, managed to move the email folder "over and out" ... meaning all 
the way out so that it stood by itself outside of its original  "account" folder, if 
you will.  

Anyway, I made a mental note of this at the time to move it back where it should 
belong with Shift-Ctrl-Right arrow, but ... as we older folks tend to do ... forgot to 
do so and closed The Bat! application program later that night.

The next morning  I fired up The Bat! ... and lo-and-behold, this email folder and its 
sub-folders weren't displayed by The Bat! application program and I'm thinking X-rated 
thoughts ... "Oh No! *&^%$!#"   Never one to panic, I start poking around and managed 
to find the missing folder (and subfolders) under the hood of Windows 98SE file system 
... located at D:\thebatMAIL.  I reasoned that I could move ("drag") the email folder, 
security-basics, into the account where it originally was located within the displayed 
The Bat! section ... where the accounts and subfolders are displayed.  Sure enough the 
top-level email folder was displayed by The Bat! and I was able to move it (using the 
infamous Shift-Ctrl-L or R arrows) into its alphabetical order.  BUT, the subfolders 
didn't come along and weren't displayed as I anticipated.  So I dragged them over 
individually, again at the Windows 98SE level, into the specific account where they 
originally were located, BUT, again they were not displayed by The Bat!    Even doing 
maintenance and repair once the emails folders were properly located have not done the 

Any ideas how I can "moved/drag" these subfolders and get them positioned within the 
proper hierarchy to be displayed by The Bat!?   I still have the subfolders.  The Bat! 
version is V2.0.  Obviously I'm missing something.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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