Hello Britt and Roelof,

I find this interesting.

Wednesday, July 7, 2004, 12:03:43 PM, you wrote:

BH> Hi Roelof,

>> You can select the language?

BH> Yes.

I see where one can select either American English, American English
(CSAPI) or British English dictionary.

Could I create ... say, a German dictionary (with file type of .tlx,
.dic or .txt) and add the file to the list of dictionaries?  And if
so, is there an option somewhere I could than add "German" option to
the Spell Checker's list of available languages?

It looks like the "import" option only imports file type of .txt.

Hhhhmmmmmm, looks like I'm asking some of your prior questions in
different verbiage, but the possibilities here are interesting.

 >> How do you see that it doesn't work? Won't it be/stay
the " >> selected
or >> don't you agree with the solutions?

BH> If AmE is chosen, every single word in the mail is underlined with
BH> red. As soon as I choose BrE instead, the lines disappear. Very
BH> strange indeed.

BH> BTW, what about these two questions?

>> Oh, but in that case I must surely be able to manually copy all the
>> words in my own .dic file into UserDic? My .dic file contains
>> thousands of words that I've added to it over the years, and then I
>> wouldn't have to add each word again to TB UserDic every time it comes
>> up. Am I right?

Looks like this should work.  Have you try it yet?  Perhaps, use a
reduced subset of your currently defined .dic file.

>>> TB would have no means to distinguish between languages.

>> But TB UserDic now contains words from different languages. Hence my
>> question if I should use one dictionary for each language to add new
>> words to. If I add them all to UserDic, how does TB then distinguish
>> between those languages?

Yup, I would like to know too :grin:

Best regards,

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