On Fri 9-Jul-04 10:49am -0400, Michael L. Wilson wrote:

> I am using the QT FIXSUBJ from the silverstones library.  I repeat it
> for clarification:

> More often than not, these days, it simply reduces my subject to RE:
> with nothing else.  I did not modify this at all.  Any ideas or better
> ways to clean the subject line would be appreciated.

I've been using the following for some time now.  Change it to your

%Subject="Re: %-
%SetPattRegExp='(?ix)       # CaseLess & Extended PCRE
  \A                        # Start at beginning
  (?: \s*
      \[.*?\]               # Dump [list-name]
      \(.*?\)               # Dump (list-name)
      (?: re|rcpt|fwd|fw )  # Dump Re:, Fw:, etc.
          (?: \[\d*\] )     #   and Re[n]:, etc.
          (?: \(\d*\) )     #   or Re(n):, etc.
  \s* ( .*? )               # The Clean Subject
  (?: \s*
      \[was:.*?\]           # Dump [was: comment]
      \(was:.*?\)           # Dump (was: comment)

Best regards,

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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