I've noticed spam, now, often contains several rows of meaningless,
random words, like:

"annul cripple jacobean hater metric deal prophesy diversify final"

I assume this is an attempt to foil Bayesian spam filters like
BayesIt.  If Bayesian filters look for certain recurring words
identified as common junk mail words to measure spamminess, it looks
like including an abundance of non-junk mail words will allow this
spammer technique to bypass the filter.

Any training suggestions for BayesIt?

Code 2  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Bat! version 2.11.02 on Windows XP Service Pack 1

At a Music Store: Out to lunch. Bach at 12:30. Offenbach sooner.

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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