Hello Peter!

On Wednesday, July 28, 2004, 3:11 PM, you wrote:

PB> I am still trying, but I still can't see me. And my apologies for the
PB> sloppiness with my delimiter.

I see you. It makes me want to ask: What version of The Bat! are you

If you are not using version 2.12.00 or higher, a Roguemoticon
picture will not appear in the headers.

Are all of our pictures appearing in your headers?

I have taken my name with colons around it out of my signature. If you
are using an earlier version, that will mean you will not see my
picture in my signature and will also not see me in your headers. Only
those using v. 2.12 can see you in the headers.

If you *are* using v. 2.12, then go to The Bat!/Images. Click on the
file that says  rogues .  Look to see if your image is in your file.
If it is, then click on the file in The Bat!/Images that says

That should open in Notepad. Scroll down to be sure that this exact
line is in the rogues.msl list:

Smiley = ".\rogues\Peter_Ballantyne.jpg", 0, ":Peter_Ballantyne:"

If you are running v. 2.12 and both of these conditions are not met,
then go to


and download the file again. Unzip it and put the folder rogues and
the file rogues.msl into The Bat!/Images. You can copy these right
over the old ones, replacing them.

Then, close The Bat!, if it is running. Re-launch it. Pick one of your
own posts and see if you're not visible now.

If you are *not* running v. 2.12.00 or higher, then to see your image
in your sig, you must type  :Peter_Ballantyne:  (including the

I hope this is not an overkill of information!

Best regards,
The Bat! 2.12.00 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 2.12.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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