Hi Mary and list,

On Tuesday, August 3, 2004 at 15:52:49 GMT -0500 (which was 22:52
where I live) Mary Bull wrote (at least in parts) and made these
valuable points on the subject of "Playing with BayesIT macros":

MLW>> I am using %CutHere from MyMacros. I was told it was perfect.

It is as correct as a "handmade" can be too. There is also a TB! macro
%ISSGINATURE (in a QT)which should care about a cut delimiter too (I
didn't try that one myself).

> It's the best that can be done, since you are signing with PGP/Mime.

To be exact: not PGP/MIME but PGP inline. With PGP/MIME there is no
need for changing lines beginning with <dash> as the seperation is
done by different (MIME coded) parts.

> This changes the configuration as it's sent to: dash space dash dash.
> Therefore, everything below it is quoted upon Reply,

That is not true anymore, I was recently told. Since a couple of
versions ago TB! recognizes the <dash><space><dash><dash><space>
mofification of PGP as a valid signature itself.

> This was such a problem for some of us that Marck wrote an expression
> that one can include in one's Address Book Reply template which will
> recognize dash space dash dash in addition to dash-dash-space as a
> cut-mark, and exclude all text below it from the quotes in Reply.

Since then this macro isn't needed anymore for the sig delimiter. One
positive side effect is suppressing the _beginning PGP-line too.

> I just know that it makes your cut-mark work for me. For someone
> without that, your cut-mark as changed by PGP/Mime won't work.

see above :-)


powered by The BAT! 2.13 "Lucky" Beta/1, Useless Macro Collection 1.7.751/rc1, and 
MyMacros 1.11
with usual problems of Windows XP  Pro 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 2.12.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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