Dear Chris,

   -->> Donnerstag, 12. August 2004, 19:58:49:

> The reason why I left Bayesit in the first place, was that as I was
> testing betas etc, Bayesit would no longer catch any mail!? It was
> like it was losing it's database.

> Did anyone else experience this?

Never experienced your problems. I've being using since the beginning
BayesIt! - now v0.5.9. I remember that in the beginning I was training
the DB. since then I didn't had to do any changes.

The only problem I find now is that there are those Spams like this
'Make $171' in the Subject. Strangely those I have to filter manually
by marking them 'as Junk'.

   liebe Grüsse
    Eddie :ec:
      on Tour

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