> Anyone having problems with Periodical (Mail) Checking that fails to
> exactly so?

  Thomas Fernandez:
> No, I haven't. But I have noticed that I need to invoke "check mail
> for all" in order to ensure that periodical mail check will occur.

  I do, too. My problem is that I usually will have to do that by the
  way of an IPC command (/CHECK"account") since mail checking is often
  an unattended task for me. Unfortunately, every now and then TB fails
  to read and execute commands in thebat.IPC. When this happens, TB
  simply ignores further checking of thebat.IPC. Unless you restart TB,
  it won't check thebat.IPC. BUT: Invoking unattended checking of mail
  fails forever - and TB will also fail to execute that liberating /EXIT
  command since TB fails to read the file that contains the request!


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