Plan9 @ 2004-Aug-24 11:23:16 PM
"LDIF errors" <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>>> The 3 homePostalAddress lines looked like this:
>>> homePostalAddress:: NjgyNSBIaWxscyBEci4NCg==
>>> homePostalAddress:: MVM2ODYgR3JlZW5icmlhciBEci4NCg==
>>> homePostalAddress::
>>> They should look like:
>>> homePostalAddress: 1234 Any Street
>>> Can anyone confirm that LDIF export from TheBat! is corrupt?

Chris>> Perhaps this is some form of encoding.

> This gets stranger. There are no templates associated with the
> addresses in question and they do import correctly back into TheBat!
> and the homePostalAddress line even imports correctly into Firefox
> (although other lines do not because of differences in naming
> conventions). When the newly imported addresses are then LDIF
> exported from Firefox they export as plain text addresses e.g. 1234
> Any Street and not as gibberish. I'm at a loss understanding what is
> going on.
I went to
and entered the "gibberish" and it decoded into readable text.
Therefore, The Bat! is encoding those addresses in base64 for some

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