Morgan Pugh wrote on 01 September 2004 11:03:

> I am seriously thinking of installing Outlook 2003. It is a very good
> client (have to use it at work) and is pretty damn secure these days.

It still has a few annoying issues, such as I can't touch any messages in
the Outbox once I've sent/queued up messages - if I try to do so I can't
send it at all without deleting it from the Outbox and starting again.  And
this is with Office 2003 Service Pack 1 as well!
> TB! is just a huge let down now :( I hope Ritlabs go bust, nobody
> should pay for TB!3, it just isn't worth the money.

I think that's a bit harsh - I wouldn't wish anybody to be unemployed.
People do have the choice whether or not to buy it - the upgrade is not
being forced down anybody's throats.



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