Hello M,

On Wed, 1 Sep 2004, M mused about "Ritlabs *is* a business..." (at
least in part):

MicCullen> But businesses should have ethics, should they
MicCullen> not? And not keeping promises
MicCullen> isn't very ethical. That seems to be the main bone of contention.

Ethics are relative in the business world.  The true purpose, and only
purpose, of a real business is to increase the wealth of their
shareholders.  If Ritlabs is a sole proprietorship,that means
increasing the wealth of the owner.  If it is a partnership, it needs
to increase the wealth of the partners.  If a corporation, the

On the surface, Ritlabs has done a terrible job of doing this.
Instead of presenting themselves as a business, they present
themselves as a community to users.  They spend time on code to
display people's "real" pictures, communicate to users through various
mail lists, and present themselves as people who care.

This latest move may, in fact, increase the wealth of the
shareholders, but the community aspect is dying.  This latest move is
a change in direction, which may or may not work.

In either case, they really need a business manager to help them keep
a constant focus and direction.  A vision and mission statement would
be good to keep them on track.

Time will tell if this makes them more profitable.  I do not think it

Michael Wilson, MBA


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