Hi Chris,

Wednesday, September 1, 2004, 1:52:17 PM, you wrote:

>> As a new user who bought my v2 licence on 20th August, try *very*
>> annoyed.

C> Yeah, I know how you feel Mike - I only got my licence on the
C> 6th of August myself. I found out about the v2.13 beta on BetaNews,
C> & was looking forward to the final (due to apparently being able to
C> customize the toolbar). I followed it through from v2.13 Beta 1,
C> Beta 2 etc, all the way up to Beta 8 (I wasn't a tester, I was just
C> watching out for the new features/fixes in each version). Then, a
C> day or two ago, I got a message from BetaNews (I signed up my email
C> to get notification of new versions of some programs, including The
C> Bat!), stating that The Bat! v3.0 Beta 1 had been released. I
C> couldn't believe it at first, but when I checked the site, I found
C> out it was true. Ritlabs had dumped the v2.13 Beta, & gone straight
C> to a v3.0 Beta. Now I read that the final version is due out today,
C> after only one day or so of testing. Add on to that the fact that a
C> whole new licence is required to be bought to register v3, & to say
C> that I am angry at Ritlabs is a major understatement (and I will
C> not be paying to upgrade to v3.0).

C> --

C> Chris

C> ________________________________________________
C> Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:
C> http://www.silverstones.com/thebat/TBUDLInfo.html

I am sure Ritlabs will give users who purchased in the past month or
two free upgrade to V3. If they don't it is a disgusting attitude for
a company. They will not be doing themselves any favours.


PGP Key: http://mpugh.co.uk/pgp.asc

Using TB! 3.0 on Windows XP Pro Service Pack 2

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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