On Wednesday, September 01, 2004, jwayne wrote...

>>> A major problem with 2.x was that it wouldn't render Outlook email properly. It
>>> often concatenates words. Very annoying, especially when one wants to
>>> reply/forward the message.

>>> The bug was reported long ago but was never fixed. Does 3.0 fix this?

JA>> No, but the problem is a mixed issue.  The cause is Outlook wrapping
JA>> HTML lines, but not showing any kind of spacing between the two words.
JA>> Nicely formatted email based HTML, would look like this:

JA>> this is a new =
JA>> line

JA>> The = would tell TB to leave the space there (or they could use %20 or
JA>>  ), and would nicely put a break in it.


> I hear what you are saying but it's only on a reply that TB screws up.

> 1) TB is able to read the multipart/mixed message correctly.

Hrm, does outlook actually use text parts too? Last time I checked it
didn't, and if you have your viewer set to text and html, and not html
and text, then you'll see the reader concatenates the text as well.  I
deal with outlook mail all day being in an Exchange environment.

> 2) The attached "HTML-message" file renders correctly when launched

Attachments are stripped if I remember correctly.

> 3) Forwarding the message (contrary to my original post) doesn't concatenate

Because it includes the HTML part.

> The burden (unfortunately) really rests on TB to fix how it handles replies to
> such messages. MS is probably not going to do a diddly damn about it.

I'm not disagreeing with you. I'm just pointing out it's a mixed
issue, TB should regard the CRLF as a whitespace, while Microsoft
should be nice, and put the character on the end ;). If you put the
following HTML in a file called test.html on your desktop, and open
with any browser, you'll see a space as well:

this is
a new line

So browsers even regard the CRLF as a whitespace too, which is
technically correct.

Jonathan Angliss
Using The Bat! v3.0 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

If it ain't water-cooled... it's a terminal!

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