Hello 9Val,

04-Sep-2004 02:15, you wrote:

ASK>> is the .msl format for the smiley description explained somewhere?

> Don't know, I understood it just looking :)

For the most part of it, yes... but I am no programmer. :-)

ASK>> I  see a file "order.txt" in the images folder, and apparently it
ASK>> is written by TheBat... but what does it mean?

> Hmm,  it  shouldn't  appear anymore - Max said that using of that file
> causes  blah,  blah, blah problems so I had to remove it

I'm still on v2.12 if it matters.

> and now order is saved in bat registry key/MslOrder

Browsing the registry, I saw that *everything* from "Rit" is in HKey
Current User rather than HKey Local Machine (were I would've expected it),
is that normal/okay?

> Does anybody need UI editor of order?

I'd say it would be easier to have a selector for different "smiley
themes" - scan the images directory for .msl definitions and present them
in a dropdown box next to the "use smileys" prefs tickbox and/or expand the
context menu of the msg viewer to contain the different themes

(I'm working on a "minimalistic" smiley set right now that only covers the
basic :] and stuff, and I do not want anything else to be interpreted)

Best regards,
 Alexander (http://www.neurowerx.de - ICQ 238153981)

Tomorrow a stranger will say with masterly good sense precisely what we
have thought and felt all the time, and we shall be forced to take with
shame our own opinion from another. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

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