Hello Andre!

On Saturday, September 04, 2004, 8:29 AM, you wrote:

MB>> :grin: Okay. < > 4   * * 1

MB>> But, Andre, I use *asterisks* to indicate emphasis,

AW> I don't. And for exactly for that reason. If I need to show
AW> emphasis which is seldom enough i use underscores.

Well, I think I had noticed that. Nobody, however, ever actually told
me to use asterisks. Long before I was so lucky as to encounter you on
the lists, I noticed that the people I was coming to respect most did
enclose a word in asterisks to indicate emphasis.

When I joined these lists, and a short 5 months earlier, some of the
Rootsweb lists in 2002, my one experience with mailing lists had been
with the International Horn Society's discussion group (musicians who
play the French horn). Entirely different preferences and styles
prevailed there.

AW> I realize I'm not coming from where almost everyone else on these
AW> lists is coming from. < > looks alien to me. Even though I see
AW> them here quite often I'm still not used to it. I'm used to use *
AW> * in those cases. You will find me write *g* occasingly but never
AW> <g>

Truly it's all in what one's used to, but I do try to notice what most
people are doing and to fit in. Well, that's when it's a group to
which I wish to belong--like this one.

AW> I'm not sure why that is. I have a theory about mirc using
AW> asterics for "actions" but I don't know. It's in irc where I
AW> learned these things.

I don't know what "mirc" and "irc" are.

AW> If someday tb supports these symbols for bold, underlined etc text
AW> so be it. I will grin boldly then.

Do you mean "interprets" in the text View Folder window a "bold" or
"italic" font, as the case may be?

AW> I was teasing you when I refused to subscribe to one of your two
AW> options, true enough. But there was still my honest opinion in
AW> there as well.

I was so focused on the fact that I wanted to please Roelof and others
who complained about colon enclosures, if I could, that I totally lost
my sense of humor for the moment. Even though I saw your teasing

But even after your intent was pointed out to me earlier in this
thread, I did think you were also making a serious point.

I enjoy the Smileys myself. They are a part of The Bat!, and I don't
think I should have to give up using them just because others do not
prefer them. Mostly I think people will gain the habit of ignoring
them in their PTV, whatever the enclosure is. And for PCWSmiley
Smileys, that enclosure will be colons.

In the same way, when I first began reading these lists, the
occasional poster whose style is not to write a capital "I," but
rather to type "i," would really bring me up short.

It's still not standard written English. But on the lists my eyes
simply breeze right over it and my brain stays focused on the meaning.

MB>> so that I don't shout with capitals.

AW> But you should shout with capitals. That's what they're there for.

In the "real" world, they're more often used to indicate extreme
emphasis. On the lists, they make people think you are "yelling"--with
"yelling" used in its pejorative sense of "attacking."

AW> Of course, better not to shout at all.

Yes. Careful choice of ideas and words and word order to express those
ideas is the better course. :)

MB>> (Because one of the few lacks in the MicroEd and its accompanying
MB>> View configurations, is a way to show bold or italic fonts for this
MB>> kind of emphasis.)

AW> tb! doesn't offer this at all for non html mail.

Understood. And it's very low on my preference priorities to have it.

MB>> Anyway, it's really nice to hear from you.

AW> Nice of you to say that.

Andre, I find you always timely and thoughtful in your comments.

Best regards,
The Bat! 3.0 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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