Dear Ralph,

@5-Sep-2004, 15:16 +0200 (05-Sep 14:16 UK time) Ralph [R] in

R> i'm new to TB and even newer to using it with PGP. If i download PGP
R> 8.1 Freeware from, will it work with TB?

Yes. I use GnuPG myself, but PGP versions 5-8 are supported using
TB!'s own built-in support.

R> Does it make any sense to use 8.1 or is the default PGP in TB good
R> enough?

I does make sense and TB's built in support is very a ancient, 2.6
compatible version that only covers RSA keys. As such it's not good
enough since most modern PGP users use DH/DSS keys.

R> I'm asking, because the PGP-site says, that plugins for outlook
R> (express) and so on will not work in the freeware version, but what
R> about TB?

TB has it's own built in support for these and needs no plug-ins.

Cheers --  //.arck  D Pearlstone --List moderator and fellow end user
TB! v3.0.0 on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

Attachment: pgpkUfvAZeo3f.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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