On Thursday, September 9, 2004, 3:07:24 PM, Roelof wrote in
message to Michael Wagner:

MW>> And a second thing: I need to use TB! via Wine on a Linux Notebook.
MW>> Has anybody installed V3 in a wine emvironment?

R> Dunno. Can you install msi installation files on Wine?

TB! works fine under CrossOver Office, which is an implementation
of WINE. I don'ty know if WINE only recognises .exe files as does
COO, sso the .msi installer wouldn't work. The answer I found was
to install an earlier version of TB! (2.12) under COO which uses
the .exe file instead, and install the v3 onto a Windows PC and
then copy across thebat.exe and the two .dll files that are in
the TB! Program directory into the TB! directory under COO. It's
a bit faffy, but it does get around the .msi installer problem.
HTH :)

 Anne Registered Linux user #345132

 Flying high with The Bat! v3.0 on Xandros Desktop Deluxe v2.0 
 Visit The Bat! Users' Unofficial Help Forum http://the-bat-forums.donzeigler.com

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