DMD>> I have noticed that some members of TBUDL are using SpamPal
DMD>> ( with The Bat!.

MR> I used SpamPal for awhile. It can be big and slow. K9 is much faster and about 99% 
MR> I had bad experiences with the BayesIt plug-in for TB. I got
MR> over my fears and reinstalled it again 3 weeks ago because I do
MR> not want to run a separate program for filtering. It took about a
MR> week to train it properly (my error last time I tried). I receive
MR> about 500 e-mails daily, 75 or so are SPAM. The last five days of
MR> BayesIt, it's accuracy rate has been: 100%, 100%, 99.789%, 100%,
MR> 99.889%. I whitelist all of my news groups and let BayesIt sort
MR> the rest.

I've been using K9 with The Bat! for nearly a month now, and it does a
decent job at 98.37% accuracy.  Most of the inaccuracy is good e-mails
that have been misclassified as spam, so regular intervention (to
re-classify) is necessary.  It doesn't take a lot of time, but it's a
must-do.  The problem is that spammers are getting better at fooling
bayesian filters by including non-spam words to lower their spaminess
scores, so good e-mail inevitably includes words that are in both the
spam word database and good word database.

If you're going to use K9, my two suggestions are to make use of the
whitelist filter (particularly for mail list mail) and to spend the
time to learn how to formally train it with a collection of several
hundred spam e-mails.

I use SpamPal on another computer with Lookout Express, and it is
nearly 100% accurate, with no false positives.  You will be happy with
either K9 or SpamPal, though I would say SpamPal is more appropriate
if you want a set-it-and-forget-it application (except for periodic

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